YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes



Stick Electrodes

  • MODEL: E7018 stick electrodes are a low-hydrogen iron powder type electrode that produces high quality x-ray welds. It can be used in all positions on AC or DC reverse polarity welding current.
  • FEATURES: All position welding, recommended for welding medium grade carbon steels where no preheat is used, and on cold rolled steels normally exhibiting excessive porosity when welded with conventional electrodes.
  • PERFORMANCE: Steady arc, low spatter, excellent re-striking ability and high deposition efficiency.
  • APPLICATION: Low-alloy structural, low, medium and high carbon steels, offshore rigs and power plants, steel structures, tack welds for tubular wire applications.
  • SPECIFICATION: Diameter: 3/32”; Length: 14”; Weight: 5LB. Recommended Amperages: 70A-100A.